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发布日期:2017-2-17 13:14:04
    佛山市鸿运包装材料厂努力实现航模材料epp板完美解决方案,欢迎访问网站,更多关注航模材料epp板相关信息,了解航模材料epp板我们要控制其他国家技术霸占整个国内取得国际优秀水平,更多请咨询:134 2075 9000。

    400 comment number: 0: 0: QQ space to share Sina micro-blog micro-blog micro credit Tencent WeChat scan two-dimensional code share to friends and friends to share more ": happy net renren.com Baidu space white society watercress Myspace Sohu micro-blog 2016-01-19 16:09:22 Tuesday bowling effect: outstanding entrepreneurs should not mean recognition of the author: Feng Jun fan entrepreneurs have played bowling, it is not only the fitness and sports competitions, but also contains the principle of management science. There is such a case: two bowling coaches were training their players, is also a ball * * 7 bottles. Coach a team member said: "the fight is good! Down 7, the next time to redouble their efforts to fight for more than a few." The team members listened to the coach's praise very much inspired, determined to make a full. Coach B said to the team member: "how do you do it! There are 3 no * *, is always not good, quickly became a waste." The team listened to the coach of the blame is very uncomfortable, I thought you can not see how I played well. As a result, the training of the players in the training of the team performance is rising, the coach B training of the players to play once again. This is the "bowling effect" in management science ".

佛山市鸿运包装材料厂 版权所有   EPE珍珠棉,珍珠棉厂家,EPP包装材料,epo航模
佛山市鸿运包装材料厂 联系人: 杨生 手 机 :134 2060 8968 网 址 :www.ai020.com 地 址 :广东省佛山市南海区狮山镇官窑村官华路